Let's talk about Osteoporosis

(+351) 213 513 310
(+351) 925 700 826

Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is the branch of medicine that seeks to solve the cause of pain, following the theoretical foundations of Anatomy and Physiology. It is essentially a conservative therapeutic practice in the sense that it does not intend to alter or destroy body parts, its ultimate goal being to help regulate the body while maintaining its integrity.

By treating the body through manual and natural physical processes without the use of utensils or chemicals, the ideally painless and pleasant Osteopathy treatment processes allow the neurological, intestinal, renal and immune systems to be spared from overloads and drug poisoning.

Osteopathy, being a directly applied therapeutic practice, treating pain in various parts of the body such as the head, neck, back, lower back, pelvis, legs and feet, allows a close and thorough assessment of the patient health condition.

Who is it for?

Osteopathy is intended for people of all ages and genders who have musculoskeletal pain.

Why do you need Osteopathy?

  1. Cervical Pain: It is common that you have had, at some point in your life, a severe pain in your neck. The origin of this pain may result from a variety of clinical reasons, such as some compression of the cervical vertebrae, some membranous decompensation, traumatic reasons, or even more or less sinister origins. An Osteopathic Doctor can indicate the source of your affliction and, if appropriate, help resolve the issue. If you are not within he’s scope, he is a qualified professional to refer you to a colleague of the speciality best suited for you;
  2. Low Back Pain: Felt any severe pain in your lower back, been told you had a crooked spine, even noticed that your waist is not levelled, have pain when you are standing or when you start walking? If you have ever felt something like these know that Osteopathy could solve it;
  3. Shoulder Pain: Maybe you walked with your children on your lap, enjoyed some DIY projects, or even some action sports, but you shoulder no longer allows you to proceed. Osteopathy assesses dislocations, injuries and shoulder changes by addressing a rapid response that can eliminate the cause of pain;
  4. Painful Extremities: —”What a pleasure it was to go for a walk!”— Practising sports cheers you up and remind you about the old days, however, if your feet or ankles started to hurt and now it’s hard to walk, or your wrist started to hurt without suffering any impact and even after the oils and medicines the pain didn’t went away, maybe it’s time to visit an Osteopath;
  5. Vascular Changes: If you begun to feel dizziness, other times you can’t remember things you should be remembering, you’re not hearing properly and headaches are becoming frequent, these symptoms may be reduced or even eliminated after consulting your Osteopath;
  6. Tension of the Thorax Membranes: If you notice that breathing is difficult, you have chest pain and feel tired or you feel your heartbeat, it is time to make an appointment with your Osteopath;
  7. Visceral Abdominal Dysfunctions: If you have frequent abdominal pain that causes constipation and flatulence, you feel that you do not digest well or even have painful points that do not stop, it is time to visit an Osteopath;
  8. Localized Pain: If you have difficulty resting or sleeping, if you have pain on the surface of your head because of an accident, or you were told that your birth was complicated but you never thought it was related to your headaches, if you have scars that whenever the weather changes give signal, and that point of pain in the hand or foot that you have done everything and nevertheless still hurts. Consult an osteopath for improvement.

Sobre nós

Av. Sidónio Pais 14, R/c Esq. 1050-214 Lisboa

+351) 213 513 310

(+351) 925 700 826


  • Monday to Friday  9am to 7pm