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Immunotherapy: What does it consist of and for whom is it for?

Immunotherapy is the medical discipline that seeks to fight infections and inflammations and to cure diseases by harnessing the immune system’s natural ability to defend itself. In this way, the body can produce an immune response to disease, increase the immune system’s resistance to active diseases such as cancer or to modulate an excessive or uncontrolled response, as in autoimmune diseases.

The human body, naturally and in small doses, produces certain substances commonly referred to as biological response modifiers (BRMs) as a reaction to infections or diseases. In laboratory, however, higher doses of these BRMs, or even facilitators/modulators, may be produced and administered to the patient, in order to enhance and adapt their own therapeutic response to autoimmune, chronic and infectious diseases. This is the base of a customized, precise and preventive medicine.

Dr. Louis Teulières explains that “it is from the current medical-scientific consensus that metabolic immunological aspects, such as chronic, autoimmune and infectious diseases, with special consideration on inflammatory aspects, may be involved in the genesis of various pathologies.

In the face of a complaint about unexplained chronic fatigue, memory and concentration, or even behavioural or reasoning disorders, it will be advisable to systematically look for a set of alarm factors:

  • deficiencies, in particular in vitamins B9, B12 and D, Omega-3 or iron;
  • a thyroid disease, iodine deficiency or other hormonal functions (adrenal, ovaries);
  • cardiovascular disease, which may result in poorer blood circulation at the brain level, or heart insufficiency that does not allow proper oxygenation of the brain;
  • an emotional shock.

Immunoinflammatory mechanisms, created by a chronic infection that may be acting with low exposure or created by mast cell activation by allergic and immunological triggers, should also be sought.

The induced disorders may be varied and of sensory, motor or cognitive behavioural action.

These alarm factors are particularly important to take into account when caring for children with attention and neuropsychological development disorders.

Good results can be achieved on other conditions that may have inflammatory sources, such as other neurodegenerative conditions such as brain ageing or chronic pain.

As research progresses, numerous similarities begin to emerge that link these diseases together, such as:

  • alteration of cellular metabolism, in particular at the mitochondrial level;
  • immunoinflammatory mechanisms, created by chronic low-grade infection or activation of mast cells by allergic and immunological triggers, that may lead to autoimmunity and local or generalized chronic inflammation that contribute to the maintenance of pathogenesis;
  • specific inflammation of central structures alters the production and action capacities of neuromediators. For example, there is a loss of GABA inhibition and consequently an increase in painful hypersensitivity, brain agitation and magnified anxiety. This explains the pain or burning in the discharges, the gusts and contractures, the tingling.

These considerations should not be limited to serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, etc., but are equally valid for other chronic, debilitating and slowly progressive diseases, usually associated with very varied inflammatory manifestations (polyarticular, muscle, digestive and urinary tract).

Chronic infections, such as Lyme disease, should also be addressed in this way, in this particular case combining the latest biological balances to determine whether the bacterium is alive, since Lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick, usually in wooded areas, which transmits an infectious bacteria. If left untreated, this infection can cause fever, muscle aches, swollen joints and brain and nervous system damage.”

This Fall will be held in Boston the Annual Scientific Conference of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases SocietyILADS 2019 – which will feature Dr. Louis Teulières as a keynote speaker.

“All of these diseases, but also minor memory or attention disorders, are often related to general diseases, metabolic disorders, infections, and chronic inflammations.

The ultimate goal is to minimize all (toxic and dietary) factors of inflammation as well as to combat infections or co-infections and chronic factors. Through well-conducted selective metabolic immunoassays and biochemical tests, that enable the suspicion or diagnosis of various other diseases, the hope for new therapeutic proposals can be increased.”

According to our expert, the most common pathologies in our consultations are linked to “hormonal imbalances (skin quality, menstrual and premenstrual cycles and syndromes, menopause, weight problems) and chronic inflammatory stages (digestive and joint)”.

“If a person has complaints that include: weight gain, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain that vary from place to place, a biological profile can and should be done, assessing the fundamental systems so as to let us know if this is a simple question of hormonal imbalance, or whether we should also take into account neurological consequences at the neurovegetative level or the harmony of the neurotransmitters, such as a possible low-level chronic infection, aggravated by a disruption of the immune system”, explains Dr. Louis Teulières.

Read more about Immunotherapy:


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Av. Sidónio Pais 14, R/c Esq. 1050-214 Lisboa

+351) 213 513 310

(+351) 925 700 826

  • Monday to Friday  9am to 7pm