Academic Education:
PhD in Medicine – Pathophysiology – by NOVA Medical School (1995);
Specialist in Immunoallergology (1993);
Graduated in Medicine by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (1981).
Professional Activity:
Assistant Trainee of Pathophysiology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (1981-1987);
Assistant Professor of Physiopathology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (1987-1995);
Degree of specialist in Immunoallergology (1993);
Hospital Assistant of Immunoallergology of Dona Estefânia Hospital (Lisbon) (CHLC, EPE) (since 1994);
Responsible for the Respiratory Function Exploration Laboratory of Dona Estefânia Hospital (Lisbon) (since 1994);
Assistant Professor of Pathophysiology without link of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (1995-2000);
Responsible for the Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Exploration of the Clinical Institute of Allergology (1995-2013);
Responsible for the Functional Exploration Laboratory | Pathophysiology (NOVA Medical School) since 1995, assuming the position of Clinical Director since 2014;
Auxiliary Professor of Pathophysiology with definitive link of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (2000-2012);
Principal Investigator of Respiratory Disease Group – Metabolism & Inflammation | CEDOC, NOVA Medical School (since 2008);
Coordinator of the Respiratory Pathophysiology working group of the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology (2007-2013);
Coordinator of the Teaching and Research Area of Functional Sciences and Therapeutic Targets of NOVA Medical School (since 2010);
Elected Member of the Faculty Council and Scientific Council of NOVA Medical School (since 2010);
Regent of the Curricular Unit of Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Targets II of the Master’s Degree in Medicine from NOVA Medical School (since 2011);
Associate Professor of Pathophysiology at NOVA Medical School (since 2012);
Lead Researcher or co-investigator in several national and international clinical trials;
Lead Researcher or co-investigator in funded research projects, highlighting the Saud’Ar, ENVIRH, INSPIRAR, GERIA;
Author or co-author of a large number of national and international publications and communications.