Dr. Miguel Ribeiro

Internal Medicine — Clinical Director


  • - Internal Medicine
  • - Tropical Medicine
  • - Infectious Diseases


  • - Portuguese
  • - English
  • - French
  • - Spanish

Born in Lisbon in 1952, Dr. Miguel moved to Mozambique in 1954, where he remained until 1972, the year he returned to Lisbon to study medicine. He obtained the Diploma of Physician in 1976 in Lisbon and the international certification for the USA from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) in 1977. In 1978, in Lisbon, obtained the Diploma in “Clinics of Tropical Diseases”. Lived in South Africa, from 1980 to 1991, where he became a member of the South African Medical College in 1990. Back in Lisbon since 1991, he has worked as a private physician since then.


– “Universo Programado, uma alternativa ao Darwinismo e à religião”, Gradiva, 278p, 2013;
– “Beyond Darwin, the Program Hypothesis“, 3rd Ed., Oct 2020, Amazon.com.


Featured in Books: “The Century of the Body”. “Sleep”. 2005 (and 2011) Calendar of the Buhl Collection (USA). Darkside II: Fotomuseum Winterthur 2009. “The Body”.
Medical journals: “Gynecomastia”. NEJM. Proto, Winter 2015(6).
Magazines: British Journal of Photography. Elle. Tabacaria.
Press Reviews in Newspapers: The Independent; Basler Magazine, Die Zeit (full page article with 8 photographs on my Berlin exhibition), Berliner Artze, British Journal of Photography.
Several photographic exhibitions, including one man shows in Pretoria, Cape Town, Lisbon, Berlin, Rome and Milan, and group exhibitions in Lausanne (The Century of the Body), Quebec, Paris, Lisbon…

Sobre nós

Av. Sidónio Pais 14, R/c Esq. 1050-214 Lisboa

+351) 213 513 310

(+351) 925 700 826


  • Monday to Friday  9am to 7pm