Dr. Bernardo Costa



  • - Osteopathy

Areas of Differentiation:

  • - Vascular Manipulation;
  • - Visceral Manipulation;
  • - Integrated Myofascial Therapy;
  • - Advanced Joint Manipulation.


  • - Portuguese
  • - English
  • - French

Academic Education:

Permanent Professional Certificate of Osteopathy nº 100.003 – Portuguese Ministry of Health (ACSS);
Advanced Thoracic Visceral Manipulation with continuous professional training with Dr. Alain Croibier at the Barral Institute of the United Kingdom, in Ayr, Scotland;
Manipulação Vascular, formação profissional contínua com Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral, no CPDO de Londres;
Vascular Manipulation, with continuous professional training with Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral, at CPDO in London;
Vascular Manipulation, in vocational training at the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in Maidstone, UK;
Visceral Manipulation, modules 1-4, with continuous professional training at Barral Institute in Lisbon;
Advanced Joint Manipulation, with continuous professional training at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) in London;
Integrated Myofascial Therapy, modules 1-2, with continuous professional training at Myofascial Release UK & Ireland, in Lisbon;
“The Art of Slowing Down” – Recalibration of the nervous system following the techniques of Feldenkrais, by Edward Yu (LA, USA), at the School of Technologies and Arts of Lisbon;
High Velocity and Low Amplitude Cervical Manipulations, J. Kunzler Seminar, in Lisbon;
Workshop on Cranial Osteopathy at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), London (2nd Cycle);
Module of Pediatric Osteopathy at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), London (2nd Cycle);
Post-graduate studies on Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Inflammation in the Shoulder – Advanced Osteopathy (BSO), London (2nd Cycle);
Masters in Anthropology from the University of Lisbon (2nd Cycle), with the theme of the dissertation “The mobility of sutures and cranial bones”;
Diploma in Osteopathy (D.O), by the Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde, in Lisbon;
Degree in Anthropology from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Professional Activity:

Osteopathy consultations at CMIL – International Medical Clinic of Lisbon (since 2019);
Random Sample Investigator (RCT’s) of the Cochrane’s Embase Project.

Sobre nós

Av. Sidónio Pais 14, R/c Esq. 1050-214 Lisboa

+351) 213 513 310

(+351) 925 700 826


  • Monday to Friday  9am to 7pm